On the Prowl


The moonlight shone dimly in the dark back alley of downtown Sunnydale. Garbage cans, large cardboard boxes and dumpsters created a little mini-skyline along both sides of the alley. Unidentifiable bits and pieces of trash were strewn about here and there and at one particular bit of refuse, there gleamed two cat-shaped eyes.

Miss Kitty nosed the crumpled bag that lay beside the garbage can. She attempted to paw the open end of the bag, smelling the faintly acrid smell of fish. As the bag became less uncrumpled, bright crayon colors revealed the words 'Sunnydale Fish 'N Fries' on the side. She had plenty of food brought to her by her human companions, but when she was restless, she felt a need to prowl.

Miss Kitty suddenly crouched, flattening back her ears and frizzing her tail when she heard the very male 'rowr' of a tomcat nearby. She avoided tomcats if at all possible, but as this one approached, she saw that this tomcat was of a very different sort. It was the biggest, fiercest tomcat of all, Spiker. The large, shaggy, yellow-haired tomcat carefully crept towards her, boring his large blue eyes into hers. Mesmerized, Miss Kitty found herself unable to move as the male slowly trotted behind her. Before she realized what happened, the tom was mounted on her and bit deep into the nape of her neck with teeth that seemed to be unusually long….


Miss Kitty hid, crouching under the queen-sized bed, sandwiched between small piles of clothing. She jerked her head around, following the pair of slipper-shod feet scramble around the floor. The feet belonged to her human companion, Tara. She woke up late, despite Miss Kitty's efforts to wake her by tickling her face with her whiskers. Miss Kitty did not like the sunlight and scampered underneath the bed in order to avoid the streams of morning light from the window.

Miss Kitty felt the bed above her sink as Tara sat on it to replace the slippers with sandals. The bed rose again and there was more scrambling sounds. Suddenly, the feet changed to Tara's face as she placed bowls of food and water ahead of her. Tara reached out and gave Miss Kitty a scratch behind the ears before she disappeared. Miss Kitty heard the banging of the door and felt the emptiness of the room again.

Miss Kitty crept out from beneath the bed and ignored the bowls of food and water. She wanted real food and she knew where to get it. She padded across the bedroom floor to the vent located just behind a table. She unsheathed her claws and pried the grate on the vent off before squeezing herself through the opening. As she trotted through the vents, she perked up and rotated her ears, listening for the slightest sounds of potential prey.

She detected a promising scratching sound and slowed her pace, swiveling her head to home in on the sounds. She started to creep towards another vent grate and peered out through the grill into another room. As she expected she was able to see with her sharp vision, the cage of a particularly plump hamster rooting around in the shavings. She looked around to see if there were any humans around and with a mighty shove, she popped the grate and jumped into the room.

She arrogantly strolled up to the bedroom drawer on which the cage was placed. Miss Kitty gathered herself up into a ball and sprung the 3 feet to land on the top of the drawer right next to the cage. The hamster, seeing the large looming figure of Miss Kitty frantically ran around the cage, trying to find a spot to hide. Miss Kitty watched the panicked scrambling of the hamster before taking a paw to the cage door. She hooked a claw into the hamster and pulled him out.

The hamster writhed in pain, impaled on the long claws of Miss Kitty. Miss Kitty implacably watched the hamster struggle for a while with unblinking blue eyes. Opening her mouth, unusually long fangs appeared and Miss Kitty bit down on the neck of the hamster, making quiet sucking sounds. After only a minute or two, Miss Kitty released the hamster, who now seemed to have lost a lot of his plumpness.

Miss Kitty, brought up her paw, licked it and used the paw to methodically wash herself. When she was satisfied, Miss Kitty jumped down and began the journey back to her human companion's room to take a long catnap. As she fell asleep in the cool, dark space underneath the bed, she dreamed of that family of gerbils she thought she heard and knew what her dinner would be tomorrow.

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